Griswold v. Connecticut

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Griswold v. Connecticut
Court Supreme Court of the United States
Date decided June 7, 1965
Appealed from Connecticut Supreme Court
Related Eisenstadt v. Baird
Followed by
Eisenstadt v. Baird


Planned Parenthood's director in Connecticut was Griswold (defendant). Buxton was a physician working at the Planned Parenhood's Connecticut office. Both were arrested & charged under a state law that forbade the use of contraceptives by anyone including married couples.

Griswold was fined $100 ($970 in 2023).

Procedural History

Griswold fought her conviction alleging that the Connecticut Laws were violations of the due process clause (DPC) under the 14th Amendment.

Connecticut Supreme Court affirmed Griswold's conviction.


Connecticut's law banning the distribution of contraceptives is an unconstitutional burden on the "right of marital privacy."


William O. Douglas: "The foregoing cases suggest that specific guarantees in the Bill of Rights have penumbras, formed by emanations from those guarantees that help give them life and substance."

Arthur Goldberg saw the Connecticut law as a violation of the 9th Amendment.


The zone of privacy should extend to intimacies between married people including the use of contraception.

